Depression (A Poem)

This poem is dedicated to the Christian who is struggling with depression. I understand that, contrary to popular belief, depression doesn’t always mean you aren’t leaning into God enough. Sometimes depression simply means you are in a sad season. It takes a lot of strength to hold onto God in the muck of depression, butContinue reading “Depression (A Poem)”

Finding Joy in a Broken Vessel

He peered at his body with seething resentment. It looked normal on the outside, but it continually failed on the inside. His thoughts helplessly wondered if everything would be okay. What if it was bigger than the strength within him? Health is a topic that I have avoided due to all the controversies, but IContinue reading “Finding Joy in a Broken Vessel”

An Open Letter: The Hidden Struggle of Eating Disorders

The below information is solely to encourage you to speak up and embrace your body image through God’s amazing love for you; it is not to replace professional help. I feel like there’s a topic that needs to be touched with grace, love, and understanding. It’s a topic that nobody exactly wants to talk aboutContinue reading “An Open Letter: The Hidden Struggle of Eating Disorders”