Start Here

Hola! I’m Autumn Rebecca! You probably came here to learn more about me and what this blog is all about. Since you have better things to do than read a thousand words, allow me to list 10 fast facts about me.

  1. I’m 19-years-old.
  2. I’m married to a Youtuber. We were long-distance for 6 years.
  3. I’m a sister to 4 and an aunt to 2.
  4. I live off-grid.
  5. I’m obsessed with hand-written letters.
  6. I love warm drinks. Coffee and tea are my go-to.
  7. I’d like to publish a book someday, but I have no clue what it would be about.
  8. My husband and I raise Dachshunds (aka, Weenie Dogs).
  9. I love to bake and conjure up new recipes that my gluten intolerant husband can eat.
  10. I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior at around 7-years-old, but I didn’t truly pursue Him until I was 12.

What is This Blog All About?

As weird as it may sound, I felt called to start this blog at the mere age of twelve. I felt the urge to take a step out of my comfort zone and use my love of words for a greater cause.

I wasn’t good enough to write for a greater cause, but that didn’t stop God from putting it on my heart.

Ever since the first blog post, God has been showing me that my mistakes are why He chose me for this task. He has shown me His love and grace through all of my imperfections.

My goal with this blog isn’t to boast about anything but to come alongside you as a friend. To share life lessons and tiny glimpses into world.

I want us to be able to grieve our imperfections together and then look for the sunshine. I want us to talk about life, how to love people that cross our paths, and which books are worth reading.

Living a Life That Glorifies God

No matter what we are doing, our goal should be to glorify God. In the big things and the little things. Through my blog, I can walk beside you, pointing out the sunshine (despite the haze) and reveal how you can grow your relationship with God.

Book Corner

Lastly, let’s talk books for a second.

Books can take us all throughout the world and introduce us to emotions we have never felt before. They can shine light into the darkest parts of our souls, inviting us to heal.

But not all books have this certain light about them. Even some so-called Christian books lack it. Unfortunately, this leaves us scrambling to find books that are worth our time.

Because of this, I have made it my goal to read books for you. You should be able to pick up a book without the fear of profanity or sex scenes. Or, at least, be warned that the book has some questionable content sprinkled throughout its pages.

In my cozy book corner, you can rest assured that all the books I recommend are free of:

  • Profanity
  • Sex/erotic scenes
  • Nudity
  • Comments that downgrade God in any way (unless the truth is found)

If there is questionable content in a book, but I still feel like the story has a profound message, I will include that information in my review. Whether you read the book or not is up to you, but please make sure to consider the things I have addressed.

Nonfiction book reviews are based on their clarity and beliefs. If I notice that a nonfiction book goes against the Bible, I cannot recommend it.

Wanna Know The Backstory of the Blog’s Name?

The name of my website is way more than just a name to me. Before I created this blog, I wrote a song that talked about life’s burdens… How sorrows and fears can be so deep that it feels nearly impossible to breathe.

The song went on to share how God’s glorious light breaks through and shines through the haze. While it boasted horribly written lyrics, it made a great name (and foundation) for a blog!

Have a question? Use the contact form below. I’d love to hear from you!

Sing to God, everyone and everything! Get out his salvation news every day! Publish his glory among the godless nations, His wonders to all races and religions. And why? Because God is great-well worth praising! No god or goddess comes close in honor. All the popular gods are stuff and nonsense, but God made the cosmos! Splendor and majesty flow out of Him, strength and joy fill his place.

1 Chronicles 16:23-27 (MSG)